ChurchSuite Update

Following on from your registration on My Church Suite we would like to inform you of some of the things Church Suite can do for you once you are logged in. But, first, perhaps you have some questions?

How do I download the Church Suite App?  On your phone or tablet go to the iTunes Store (for Apple) or Google Play Store (for Android), and in the App section search bar type in Church Suite.  Click INSTALL and the App will download on your phone or tablet in a few seconds.  Then click OPEN. Then you will be ready to LOG IN.  Type in: Church: Hamilton Road Baptist; your Username and your password.  Also, for an extra layer of security, you can now set a 4 digit pin code. There’s more information and help here

Forgotten how to find the link online?  If you would like to be sent a new invite to log in to My Church Suite please email

What can I do on My Church Suite?  When you log in, either via a PC or on a tablet or phone using the Church Suite App, you will be able to do the following:

  • Communication You can see your recent emails sent from HRBC.
  • Details – You can amend your details should you change address, phone etc.  Also, you can add your DOB.
  • Events – You can see highlighted events.  (Some day you may be able to sign up for events and even pay for things!)
  • Groups/Children – See what ministry groups you, (and your children), belong to.
  • Rotas– See what rotas you are on and if there are clashes.  From here you can make swaps with others on the rota.  Our advice is to contact them first.
  • Podcasts – There are podcasts of the latest sermon series that you can listen to on the move.
  • Calendar – The HRBC calendar can be accessed from My Church Suite, and this will keep you up to date with what is happening.
  • Giving – You can pay for events, make online donations for one-offs, development and regular giving.
  • Leaders – As a leader you can create a rota, record attendance, communicate with your team(s).
  • Website – You can click on a link that takes you directly to the HRBC website.

If you would like help with any of the above you can contact Church Secretary, David Brown:; or Church Administrator, Sharon Heron: Another source of help can be found online at  There you will find many helpful and simply-worded articles.  The best way to learn is to log in and try things out!

Can I join Church Suite?  If you would like to be added to Church Suite so that you can log in to My Church Suite, then please e-mail Sharon Heron

NB. The HRBC Data Protection Policy can be found at the bottom of the home page of the HRBC website.