Evangelism Series on Sunday Nights


Do you ever struggle to tell people about Jesus, talk to them about your faith or present the gospel? We all do. To help and encourage each other we are holding a 3 week series on Sunday evenings to tackle 3 topics on Evangelism – Priority, Problem & Pattern of Evangelism. After each service, there will be an opportunity to discuss things in more details in the Fellowship Room in small groups. These groups will last 45 minutes, and are an opportunity to share some of your own thoughts and experiences as well as listen to others.

Sunday 8th January, 6:30pm – Priority of Evangelism
In our busy lives evangelism can become a low priority, or another thing we have to do along with everything else. We’ll be diving into God’s Word to be challenged again with the Priority of Evangelism in the Gospels.

Sunday 15th January, 6:30pm – Problem of Evangelism
If Evangelism is a priority, then what is the problem? We’ll be discussing some obstacles faced in Evangelism and looking to God’s Word for encouragement to overcome these barriers.

Sunday 22nd January, 6:30pm – Pattern of Evangelism
So it’s Monday morning, what does it look like to be evangelistic in our homes, workplaces or social groups? We’ll look at a few Biblical patterns of Evangelism to encourage us in our words and actions.

Remember, after each service there will be optional discussion groups in The Fellowship Room with tea and coffee. These will run for approx 45 minutes.