Our men gather for two blocks of teaching during Equip on Sunday evenings, typically in September to October and January to February. Alongside this discipleship are occasional social and guest events.
Leaders – Stuart McFarland
Sunday Mornings, 10:00 – 10:20am
A gathering between services to meet together and pray for our
church family.
Wednesday mornings, 8-9am
A gathering at the start of the day, to pray for our church and community.
Wednesday evenings, 8-9pm
A gathering to hear about and pray for our wider world.
Our women gather for two blocks of teaching during Equip, typically in September to October and January to February. Alongside this discipleship are occasional social and guest events.
Leaders – Sharon Heron and Jenny McClaughlin
Meeting Point
Monthly Wednesday meeting at 3pm
An opportunity to gather with others from the church for afternoon tea and a short devotion.
Leader – Campbell Mclearnon
Growth Groups
Groups of 8-12 meet fortnightly in the church halls / peoples homes for fellowship and prayer as they reflect on recent Sunday teaching.
Leader – Stuart McFarland
Prayer Triplets
Groups of 3 meet monthly for open and honest conversation and prayer.
Leaders – Sara McCrea and Bill Wortley
Get in Touch
If you are a Newcomer who has been coming along to HRBC and would like to make further contact, please fill in the form at the link below and someone will be in touch.